Thursday, October 20, 2011


October 20th --Today was the day that I've been waiting for a little over a month (which seemed like forever before it got here). I was so anxious last night I couldn't even sleep. This morning I had all kinds of butterflies in my stomach and needless-to-say, I was doggone nervous!

Vince and I went over to MJ this afternoon and got to have a lengthy, informative, and exciting chat with Dr. Mike Trahan-- and what a nice guy he is! He was able to go into more detail about the possible complications, nutritional issues, as well as the perks that I will receive from the surgery. One of the best things that he said was that I definitely had my age going for me, which should greatly reduce the likelihood of me having some of the complications that others have had.

So here is the REALLY exciting part -- His goal weight for me is 160 lbs!!! Wow!!! That's literally almost half the person that I am now! How life changing that would be!?

And even more exciting? (Is there anything more exciting?) -- My primary insurance does NOT require any waiting period and since Cigna is secondary, they have decided to waive their waiting period. So what does this mean you ask? I will be having the surgery come this January!! Happy NEW YEAR!!!!!!!

Holy crap, I just can't believe that the light at the end of this tunnel is so close to my reach. There were a couple people today that didn't have much interest or enthusiasm about my news, but I'm reaching a point in my life now where I really don't care. This is to improve MY life and MY health.

I had a break down earlier today with many, many, MANY tears... I just can't believe how much God is blessing me, even though I have failed him so much (especially more recently). Maybe this isn't only going to strengthen my overall health, but my spiritual health as well. God is good all the time... and all the time, God is good!!!!